Book of John 

The Gospel of John the disciple whom Jesus loved, was written in Ephesus about 90-100 AD, by the same author who wrote the three epistles of John and the book of Revelation. The Gospel of John was addressed primarily to Christians, not to the heathen. It gives the inner life and teachings of Christ as revealed to his disciples. Nearly two-thirds of the whole book belong to the last six months of our Lord's life, and one-third is the record of the last week. John was the son of Zebedee and brother of James the apostle. John the apostle is not to be confused with John the Baptist who was beheaded. After the Lord had risen, John was the first to recognize the presence of his risen Lord. The last words of John's Gospel reveal to us the deep affection which united the two friends.

John 1 

John 1 - The Word of God Became Flesh

John writes about Jesus as the Word of God from the beginning through whom all things were created. John identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God and the Light of the world that overcomes all darkness.

John 2 

John 2 - The Wedding Feast at Cana

The celebration was in the village of Cana in Galilee, Jesus and the disciples were invited and the mother of Jesus was present. This is where Jesus performs His first miracle turning the water into wine..

John 3 

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus

Jesus gives Nicodemus a truth that one cannot see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again. Born of the water through women at birth, and born of the Holy Spirit through the Word.

John 4 

John 4 - The Samaritan Woman

Jesus teaches the Samaritan woman about the Living Water and that Jesus Christ is that Living Water that lives within us through the Holy Spirit.

John 5 

John 5 - Jesus Heals on The Sabbath

Jesus comes upon a man at the pool of Bethesda in the east of Jerusalem who was sick for thirty eight years. Jesus heals the man but the religious leaders come down on Him for healing on the Sabbath.

John 6 

John 6 - Jesus Feeds The 5,000 and Walks on Water

Jesus feeds the crown of five thousand people, teaching them about the Bread of Life, and Jesus walked on water to save the diciples form the raging seas.

John 7 

John 7 - Jesus Teaches at The Feast of Tabernacles

Also know as "the festival of shelters," one of the three main "feasts" that God commanded all Israelite men to appear before the Lord and worship. The other two were Passover and Pentecost.

John 8 

John 8 - Jesus Forgives The Woman Caught in Adultery

Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust the sins of all her accusers to convict them. One by one the accusers were convicted by their own conscience and left, till the only ones remaining were Jesus and the accused woman in the middle of the crowd.

John 9 

John 9 - The Anointing of The Blind Man

Jesus heals on the Sabbath day and He was accused by the Pharisees for breaking the law. Jesus addresses the Pharisees for being blind to the truth.

John 10 

John 10 - The Good Shepherd

Jesus addresses these same Pharisees that were before Him with another truth. "Anyone who sneaks over the wall of the sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!"

John 11 

John 11 - Raising of Lazarus

Mary the sister of Lazarus ask Jesus for help to heal her brother who was sick and dying. This is the same Mary that anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume. 

John 12 

John 12 - Jesus Makes His Entrance into Jerusalem

This time Jesus enters Jerusalem as King and teaches His diciples about His death that must come to pass and that they will witness His resurrection by the Heavenly Father.

John 13 

John 13 - The Footwashing at Passover

Jesus prepares for His crucifixion with the Passover foot washing and exposes two of His disciples. Judas who would betray Him and Peter who would deny Jesus three times.

John 14 

John 14 - Jesus Promises The Holy Spirit

Jesus speaks of many mansions in His Fathers house where we will dwell with Him. He teaches His disciples about the Comforter that is the Holy Spirit of God to dwell within us.

John 15 

John 15 - The True Vine and Branches

Jesus teaches that He is the vine and we are the branches that should produce good fruit. The Heavenly Father is the Husbandman and the gardner.

John 16 

John 16 - Teaching His Disciples Future Events

Jesus giving warning and encouragement to the disciples of thins to come and not to abandon their faith. When you dwell in the light which is Christ, the Holy Spirit will teach you all things when it comes to discerning truth.

John 17 

John 17 - Jesus Prays for His Disciples

Jesus prays to the Heavenly Father for not only His disciples, but for all mankind. Jesus reveales us to the Heavenly Father and will continue to do so for those who believe in Him.

John 18 

John 18 - Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested

Judas has betrayed Jesus and He was bound and brought before Pilate for judgement. Pilate leaves it up to the people to decide if Jesus should be put to death.

John 19 

John 19 - Jesus Sentenced To Death

The leading priests and temple guards began shouting; Crucify Him! There Jesus was nailed to the cross and two others were also crucified with Him, one on each side of Jesus.

John 20 

John 20 - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

On the first day of the Sabbaths Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and saw that the stone covering the entrance was taken away. The body of Jesus was gone. "He Lives."

John 21 

John 21 - Commissioning of the Disciples

Do you love me Peter? Jesus asked this question three times to Peter, reminding him that he also denied Jesus three times. Jesus commisions Peter and the disciplles to take care of His people and feed them the truth.

Chapter by Chapter Bible Study with translated footnotes

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