Book of Matthew 

The Book of Matthew uncovers new meaning, discoveries, and revelations as the Word of God constantly grows, giving us insight to more wisdom and understanding. Matthew (also know as Levi) is the author of the first gospel in the New Testament that narrates an account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, from his birth to His resurrection. This is the story through the eyes of Matthew the Evangelist.

Matthew 1

Matthew 1 - The Genealogy and Birth of Jesus Christ

Genealogy was very important to the Jews. It make a connection with the past as well as the future. The genealogy of Jesus will show that He has the right to claim the title Messiah in His early years as well as the King of Kings in His later years.

Matthew 2

Matthew 2 - The Magi Visit the Christ Child

Wise men come upon the Christ Child, meanwile as King Herod orders all boy babies under the age of 2 years in Bethlem to be killed when he hears that a child has been born that they call King of the Jews.

Matthew 3

Matthew 3 - John the Baptist Prepares the Way

When Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan He came upon John to be baptized and the Heavens opened up and the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus from above and a voice spoke from Heaven; This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Matthew 4

Matthew 4 - The Greatest Temptation of Jesus

Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the winderness to be tempted by Satan. Jesus fasted for 40 days after His anointing before the Devil came upon Him. Satan tries every trick in the book to deceive Jesus, but He tells the Devil "Get behind me Satan" and wanted no part of him.

Matthew 5

Matthew 5 - The Sermon on the Mount

As Jesus seen the multitudes of people that wanted to hear His message He went up on the mountain and began to preach what was one of the greatest sermons in history including the Beatitudes.

Matthew 6

Matthew 6 - Continuation of The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus teaches how to pray with a sincere heart and humble manner, He teaches believers should trust in God and not worry about daily needs. Jesus teaches about fasting and giving to the poor in need and warns against stockpiling money and possessions on earth.

Matthew 7

Matthew 7 - The Golden Rule, Law of Love and Liberty

Christ is teaching His disciples how to teach God's Word. He teaches us not to be critical of others, not to judge others, and not to talk about others. He wants us to take off the blinders and learn the truth, then teach the truth, not traditions of men.

Matthew 8

Matthew 8 - Jesus Heals the Sick and Calms The Sea

Many of the people were listening as Christ taught His disciples, when He came down from the mountain, they were amazed by His teachings and followed Him to find out more.

Matthew 9

Matthew 9 - Jesus Forgives and Heals the People

The religious community at this time could not do anything like Jesus was doing. They had no authority or power as Christ did to heal the sick. The Pharisees were jelous and said that he was possessed by Satan.

Matthew 10

Matthew 10 - Twelve Apostles on a Mission from God

Christ gives the Apostles authority in His name. Jesus trusting His disciples enough to give them the authority passed on to Him by the Heavenly Father. These guys were the real thing, not a bunch of phony's like many preachers today.

Matthew 11

Matthew 11 - John the Baptist is Put in Prison

Jesus talks about John the Baptist and travels city to city with His deciples proclaiming His message of the Kingdom of God. Jesus begins to come down on the people because they still did not repent and turn to God.

Matthew 12

Matthew 12 - Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

Because of Christ's healings on the Sabbath, he uncovers the evilness among the Pharisees who try to accuse Him of breaking the law. Christ brings forward a warning message for us all, not to get caught up in traditions of men and false teachings.

Matthew 13

Matthew 13 - Parable of the Sower and Kingdom of God

In this chapter you will find one of the most important teachings by Christ. We will discover the parable of the sower and parables of the Kingdom that align with the many mysteries that have been open to us.

Matthew 14

Matthew 14 - Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

John the Baptist is beheaded by Herod and Jesus continues to teach and heal the people. The crowds were hungry and Jesus feeds the five thousand followers. He also tames the seas and walks on water saving His diciples.

Matthew 15

Matthew 15 - Traditions of Men and the Gentile Woman

Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the religious law came to question Jesus about His teachings. Jesus dresses them down about teaching the traditions of men. Jesus heals the Gentile woman who had faith in God.

Matthew 16

Matthew 16 - They Wanted a Sign He Was the Messiah

Here comes the political religious leaders trying to test Jesus after all the miracles He had just performed. The Pharisees believed in life after death, the Sadducees did not. They still wanted Jesus to show them a sign from the skies to prove that He was the Messiah.

Matthew 17

Matthew 17 - Jesus Transfigured and Heals a Boy With a Demon

Jesus loved all the people and had a great relationship with the crowd. His relationship with the twelve disciples was even closer. Peter and the two brothers James and John went with Jesus everywhere. Jesus was transfigured before them.

Matthew 18

Matthew 18 - Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus show us how to be a good servant of God and a good Christian. It shows teachers of the Word; to be humble, patient, not to offend, and to mildly correct when necessary.

Matthew 19

Matthew 19 - Jesus Teaches About Marriage and Divorce

Divorce is not the unpardonable sin, and with God all things are possible. God does not like divorce, but one can divorce and be forgiven. God is a divorcee Himself when He divorced Israel.

Matthew 20

Matthew 20 - Parable of The Vineyard Workers

Another illustration of what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. We are going to see a landowner hire the first workers for his vineyard early in the morning. This parable illustrates the equity of God's dealings, even when the first are placed last, and the last first.

Matthew 21

Matthew 21 - Jesus Enters Jerusalem on a Colt

Something different to the people. It was common during this time for the religious leaders to come from Jerusalem to Galilee to teach the people. Now we have a prophet coming out of Galilee to teach the people of Jerusalem.

Matthew 22

Matthew 22 - Parable of The Wedding Feast

Here we are going to cover the parable of the wedding feast. Jesus teaches us the greatest commandment that covers the first five commandments, and the second greatest commandment that covers the last five commandments.

Matthew 23

Matthew 23 - The Hypocrisy of The Scribes and Pharise

Jesus tells the people to practice and obey the leaders and teachers of the law, but not to follow their example. The Scribes and Pharisees taught the law of Moses, but they themselves did not follow the law as they should have.

Matthew 24

Matthew 24 - Jesus Gives The Signs of The End Times

This is one of the most interesting chapters in God's Word. It gives us a look at both tribulations. The tribulation of anti-christ, or false messiah which comes first, then the tribulation of Christ, who returns after the anti-christ.

Matthew 25

Matthew 25 - Parable of The Ten Virgins and Talents

These ten virgins would represent ten Christians, that would be attending the wedding. Remember that we are to remain spiritual virgins when Christ returns as the bridegroom.

Matthew 26

Matthew 26 - The Last Supper and Betrayal of Jesus

Jesus was finished with His sermon on the mount of olives, now it would be time for Him to complete His mission. Jesus would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, the price of a slave at this time.

Matthew 27

Matthew 27 - Jesus Faces His Trial and Crucifixion

All the head priests and elders from the whole denomination. They wanted to put an end to Jesus for teaching truth. However, only the Roman government had the authority to pronounce you to death at this time.

Matthew 28

Matthew 28 - The Resurrection and Commission to The Disciples

Go and tell the disciples that He is risen from the dead and He has gone to Galilee to meet them there. The disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had said they would find Him. It was there that Jesus would teach His disciples to spread the Good News to all Nations of the world.

Chapter by Chapter Bible Study with translated footnotes

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